Software Workshop
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Low Cost DCC Controller (LC-DCC)

This page contains information for the Low Cost DCC Controllers available from SWWS, and for the pre-built DCC command stations.

These budget controllers/command stations can be purchased on Ebay and can be found using this link.

You can also buy software licenses direct via the button below ...

LC-DCC Software License

The cheapest command station can be built for as little as £25 excluding power supply.

The DCC controllers/command stations have the following features:

  »  Windows & Linux application with control via either serial USB or WIFI connection
  »  Android application with control via blue-tooth connection
  »  Android voice controlled application with control via blue-tooth connection
  »  Various current drive capabilities depending on H-Bridge chosen, L298N, DRV8871, IBT-2 or IBT-4
  »  Solderless build option using STM32F411RE Nucleo board
  »  Cheap build requiring soldering using STM32F103 blue and black pill boards
  »  Current overload detection, requires INA219 module
  »  Decoder CV reading and writing, reading requires INA219 module
  »  Hardware watchdog to protect against any software error
  »  Upto eight analogue potentiometers for engine speed control, requires ADS1115

The DCC controllers/command stations and software support the following NMRA features:

  »  7-bit & 14-bit engine addresses
  »  Engine functions F0 (FL) to F28 for light and sound
  »  28 & 128 engine speed steps
  »  Accessory decoder control
  »  CV programming
  »  Analogue volume control
  »  DCC Packet queue for controlling DCC commands to accessories and engines

There are currently three types of command station: a USB serial controller, a serial controller with Bluetooth and a WIFI controller. All command stations use the same Windows applications but there are different Android applications for Bluetooth and WIFI. All documents and programming files can be found on the downloads page.

Frequently asked questions can be accessed via this link.

A low cost DCC forum can be found at

The following screen shots are examples from both the Windows and Android applications.

Windows/Linux Application Screen Shots

Application Start Screen Service Mode Screen
Main Screen Service Mode Screen

Time Table Screen

Track Control Screen
Windows Application Windows Application

Android Application Screen Shots

Start Screen Engine Control Screen Multi-Engine Control Screen CV Programming Screen

Controller Configuration Screen

Analogue Configuration Screen

License Manager Screen

Accessory Button Configuration

Android Voice Controlled Application Screen Shots

Start Screen Custom Commands Screen Configuration Screen License Screen

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